*County seat. The distance to Atlanta is 116 and to Chattanooga 24. Chickamauga river at this point furnishes power for operating several grist and saw mills. The interests of the town are purely mercantile. It has three churches--Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian--and good schools. Catoosa Springs 4 miles distant, and Cherokee Springs 1 1/4 miles. The banking town is Chattanooga, Tenn. Southern Express, Western Union Telegraph. Mail daily. Population 540, census of 1880. Alexander E. Orr, Postmaster.

Abel, Darius T., harness and saddles
Abston, James F., grocer and saloon
Anderson, James H., county ordinary
Bilbo, Joseph T., county tax collector
Blackford, William T., physician
Bryant, James, sheriff
Campbell, Nathan, county coroner
Clark, Wm. H. H., clerk superior court
Combs, John M., railroad agent
Cravens, Robert S., drugs
Glenn, Jesse S., physician
Gordon, Thomas M., general store
Gray, Arthur H., attorney
Hackett, Thomas, physician
Harris, Benjamin F., county tax receiver
Henry, Nelson (c), blacksmith
Henslee, Hiram G., general store
Hunt, James, attorney
Inman, Wm. S., general store and saloon
Kirkley, George W., grocer and saloon
Matthews, John L., physician
Moses, Benjamin F., wagon maker
Orr & Shaw (Alexander E. Orr, George W. Shaw), general store
Parsons, Jacob, wagon maker
Payne, Arthur, attorney
Payne, Wm. H., attorney
Smith, Lemuel J. (c), blacksmith
Smith, White, county surveyor
Trimmer, Robert B., sash and blind manufacturer, and notary
Whitman, Wm. J., physician
Whitman, Wm. L., general store
Whitsitt House, W. J. Whitsitt, proprietor
Whitsitt, Joseph G., general store
Whitsitt, W. James, proprietor Whitsitt House
Whitsitt & McClain (W. James Whitsitt, Joseph A. McClain), general store
Willis, John W., shoemaker

Standard Directory Company, Incorporated. Atlanta, Georgia

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